Coaches Corner
All coaches (head coaches and assistant coaches) must register as a coach through the Coach Registration link below to get their coach card, sign up for a clinic, and get fingerprinted at the clinic.
All head coaches are required to present their coach card to the referee before each game.
Coaches can find more info, available resources, fingerprinting process, registration below.
Fingerprinting Process - See Section Below
Fingerprinting Process
NJB requires that all adults who regularly interact formally with players during practice or games must have fingerprints on file with the national NJB office. This includes all head coaches, assistant coaches, board member volunteers and the score keeper because this individual is permitted to sit on the bench during game time. West San Jose NJB is using IdentoGO (formerly L1 Identity Solutions) in San Jose for all fingerprinting. Any coach, assistant coach, scorekeeper, or board member needing to be fingerprinted should go to the IdentoGO office located at the address provided below. Use the West San Jose NJB account code “CAB044N30” and “OCA# 88” and ORI# A6119 so that you are not personally charged the finger printing fee.
Please fill out this form before you go to the IdentoGO office –
To make an appointment by phone: 1-800-315-4507
Mon-Fri 10 am – 1 pm & 2 pm – 7 pm
To make an appointment online:
IdentoGO (H&R Block)
2053 Camden Ave, San Jose, CA 95124
More info can be found on this link on Silicon Valley NJB website –
For any questions about the fingerprint process, please email our Vice President at vicepresident AT